Your daily inspiration for at home activities

Your daily inspiration for at home activities

Your daily inspiration for at home activitiesYour daily inspiration for at home activitiesYour daily inspiration for at home activities
The many colours of the rainbow in a parachute.

Welcome to your daily activities inspiration

There's much to you can do to keep your family entertained while at home. We hope to inspire you with ideas of things to do each day, share activities and resources to keep you and your kids busy and engaged, and to help you have a great day everyday.

Get inspired, stay sane and find new things to do at home

With our world going into the Covid -19 period, I have been looking for resources for things to do, how to keep kids entertained and myself sane while staying at home and practicing self isolation as much as possible. I  realised talking with family and friends, that I am not alone in my quest to find activities and inspiration. I hope to show you fun ways to keep the family entertained, create print outs and videos for you to use and ultimately keep us all sane during these uncertain times. 

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